Another alien in the forest
This one was firmly fixed to a tree though.

A close up. I was actually a bit startled when I saw it because it's not something you're expecting to see hanging on a tree. I can't really say that I am too fond of aliens (extra terrestrials), but this one I liked! Some things are alot more enjoyable when they are lifeless and nailed to a tree, it seems...
I was going to end this post with a picture of all the shoulder mounts that I have been mounting here to date, but the camera is in the car and I have to go to bed. I will probably go to a wildlife park this weekend, so I might post some more pictures soon.

I was going to end this post with a picture of all the shoulder mounts that I have been mounting here to date, but the camera is in the car and I have to go to bed. I will probably go to a wildlife park this weekend, so I might post some more pictures soon.
Totes my goats
So I have been mounting two ibexes and one mufflon since I arrived, so mainly goats this far, as far as actual mounting goes. Heres a picture of one of the ibexes.

And the mufflon of today.

The eyes of Baphomet..

Alright, going to Mc Donalds now, I hope I make it back in one piece from the german traffic.
New pictures
I was working today, even though it was eastern saturday. Here's some pictures from work, and from the little road trip I made this evening to Nassau.
Im working on an ibex at the moment, and today I prepared the skin that I will mount this tuesday. This is the first time I have actually taken out the ear cartilage, it can be left in depending on the method that you use to make the ears.
Now for a few non-dead-animal-pictures!

And here the cartilage is fully taken out. It was kind of tricky to get it out, since there is no obvious line where to make the cuts, but once you got part of it loose from the skin you could kind of pull it of without using the knife all that much.

And a wild pig(let) I skinned towards the end of the day.

The rolling hills of Nassau..

And finaly, a nice looking Opel in its natural habitat, Germany (Deutscher qualität, haben sie kopfschmertze? Krankehause, abendessen danke schön mit leidenschaft)

I was finaly able to get internet access here in Horbach, which is the village that I am staying in at the moment. So far everything is going well down here. I miss my family and friends, ofcourse, but it is quite nice to have something to do during the day, other than watching anime and eating fastfood.
I will post some pictures, for those who are interested.
Here´s a beautiful "selfie" of me, taken in the room where I am staying.

The view from my window.

A roadside picture, on my way to work. The houses visible just at the end of the road is actually where I work.

Some scenerey, not particularly interesting.. I took this picture when I was driving down to have a look at one of the neighbouring towns (Nassau). On a side note; I have been spending way to much money on petrol and eating out. It was really quite fortunate that I won 4000SEK with my mother the day before going here, otherwise I would´nt be able to eat as much delicious junk food.

I dont always eat breakfast, but when I do, I eat a breakfast like this. I have breakfast served to me in the downstairs living room at 06:30 every morning, and then I drive to work ten minutes to 7 (the drive is less than 5 minutes). It feels really luxurious to have breakfast served every morning, without having to make it yourself.

One of the things I am doing at the moment at work is casting a negative mold of a crocodile skull. In this picture I have just finished coating the lower jaw in silicone. Eventually it will also be covered in plastic, to keep the silicone mold in place.

And here´s the upper jaw, that is also covered in silicone.

And here we have the lower jaw again, but this time with some modification on the silicone before covering it in plastic.

Thats all for now, I will be back with more pictures in the near future! Happy eastern, don't forget to send Jesus a thought since he died for your sins today..
Sis here!
Just got news that Robin has arrived safely in Germany. He´s staying in a hostle and all is well. He does'nt have access to internet at the moment but he can be reached on nr 0049 1758477461. Hope to hear from him here on his blog soon and hopefully get to see some pics from where hes staying.
Missing you already!
So long /sis!

A new start...
A couple of years ago I decided to cancel the blog (this blog) that I had updated quite frequently, because I grew tired of posting updates. Another reason I had for canceling the blog was that I did´nt really feel that the older post reflected me as a person anymore. I have changed quite a bit since I was in my early twenties, so I erased all the previous posts and pictures that I published here.
I have, however, decided to revive this blog, and post updates about my life, my thoughts, my failures and triumphs, and my ambitions. The main reason behind this is ofcourse, as most of you already know, that I will be going to Germany tomorrow, testing my luck as an apprentice taxidermist. I have no idea how things will turn out once I arrive, but I will post regular updates about my daily struggles right here, on this blog.
I pray (even though I would consider myself an agnostic) that everything will go well, and that my stay in Germany will be awesome in every way imaginable. I will give it my best shot, as I always do, and even if the trip would turns into a giant failure I hope that I will learn a few things from the experience.
I´m going to write the updates in english (even though my grammar is probably a bit rusty), just to make sure that the damn foreigners that might be reading this blog (people from Holland and Arizona) will be able to understand everything that I might post here.
That's all for now. I will most likely be back with another blog post tomorrow, when I am on the ferry to Travemünde. Here´s a picture of all the crap I´m bringing..

Deutschland, deutschland über alles!!