Maybe it's Maybelline
I have finished, or as we say in Sweden, "sminkat" the badger I made a few weeks ago. Maybe I should become a make-up artist or something in the future..

Another picture..

Some new mounts
I think it's about time I put some new pictures on this blogg thing.. I mounted a badger a few weeks ago, and that was my first full mount (that I made myself). I was quite pleased with the result.

And an oryx that I was also quite happy with (notice the almost 90 degree turn).

Das is alles, for now..
From now on I will make uppdates more regularly!
Well actually, thats just bullshit. I have said that so many times in the past, and it just seems like I will never be able to be true to those words. So, probably the uppdates will come at a very slow pace. As usual. Anyway, some pictures would be in order, I suppose..
A springbock with a deformed horn.

A pretty big roe deer that I am about to mount (at the time the picture was taken, that is. As you will be abe to see in the next picture, I have already mounted it).

The finished mount, hanging at Jagt & Hund, Dortmund (a hunting exhibition the company attended).

Front view..

Me, again..

When we drove to Dortmund, there was a bit of weather chaos. I hate driving in this kind of weather..

But the landscape looks nice when it is covered in snow!

Thats all for now. Tomorow I will spend the whole day skinning, but I dont think I will take any pictures of that..
Yeah, so the lack of new content on this blogg has probably been quite noticable, but today I will add a few pictures, and hopefully become a bit more active again!
My first Eland. I was quite happy with the way that it turned out.

Two Springbocks I made kind of recently..

Me and Speedy, from my most recent visit to Scandinavia.

From this summer, in Nassau. I dont really like the pose I am making in this picture, because I am sitting like a little girl, but the reason for that is that I am being carefull not to fall over the edge.

An old goat infront of some bears. I didn't mount those, by the way.

And, finaly, me and my nephews.

Thats all for now, will try to uppdate with more material in the not-so-far future..
Next project
The skin will probably be finished next week, and it will be really interesting to see how this mount turns out. Ofcourse, I will not be the one mounting this one, but I will be helping out, and be there throughout the process, so I will try to take some pictures.

Say hello to my little friends
A colleague of mine has got me into Warhammer, an old hobby I used to have as a kid. It is basically little figurines that you paint and collect, and that you can also use in a stratetegy game (where people "battle" the armies of figurines). Last saturday I was over at my friends place and started painting the five "High elves" that I purchased a week ago. It was a long time since I painted, so it will probably take a while to get good results.
I havent finished the figurines in the picture, I just tried out some different colour schemes that I might use for my army.

Some more pictures
I have taken a series of pictures from different moments in the mounting process, and since I dont really have anything better to do with those pictures, I will post them here, on the blogg.
On another note, I am learning html and CSS at the moment, so that I can create a webpage in the future. I might post some of the progress on that here aswell.

Manequin prepared for mounting, with the glass eyes set into the form, and eye shape modelled with clay.

Glue is spread on the manequin, except for around the nose the nose and mouth.

The skin is placed over the manequin in the right position, and fixed with some nails at the back to keep it in place.

The lips are tucked into the manequin. I didn't take any pictures of it, but at this point I position the eyes and eyelids roughly in the right place aswell, before sewing.

Stitching up. The ears have also been put roughly in the right place, but I haven't formed the muscles around the earbase yet. Glue is gradually placed underneath the seam, and the glue we are using can be pushed around underneath the skin to get the glue evenly distributed. The lump on the right side is glue that later will be worked under the seam.

Finished with the stitching.

The remaining skin is tackered onto the back, and I later cut of most of the "extra skin" shown on the picture, about half a centimeter away from the tacks.

At this point I forgot to take pictures of my progress, but at least I remembered to take a picture of the finished mount.
What does the fox say?
Some time in the future I might get a fox as a companion.
Japanese Sika Deer
I have been making a bunch of shoulder mounts recently, but one that was especially interesting for me was a Sika Deer from Japan. This was the first shoulder mount of a deer that I made, and it was a bit funny that it was a japanese one. The mount is actually a pidestal mount, meaning that it will actually stand somewhere in a room (not hanging on a wall. Here's a few pictures.

Some new pictures from work + the Mosel river
It was a long time since I posted any pictures from work, so I thought I would uppload a few shoulder mounts.
This is the most recent head I did, and it is a Black-faced Impala (thursday).

A Nyala I also made this week (monday). The inside skin of the ears were missing completely, aswell as the ear cartilages. Later, when it is dry, some kind of replacement skin will be put on the inside of the ears.

A Water buck.

Thats all the animals for now. Next week I will mount a Sika deer, and when I am done with that I will mount another 5 Bush bocks.
To conclude this blogg post, I will post some none-work-related pictures, from the trip me and my dad did to the Mosel river.
This is a pretty spectacular bridge. I dont remember exactly, but I think this bridge was where the Rhine and Mosel rivers intersect, and that the bridge is crossing the Rhine river.

There were plenty of vineyards along the Mosel, and anywhere you would look you would see the mountainsides covered in grape vines. In this picture I am standing beside one of those machines used to squashing the grapes (an alternative to stomping them with your feet).

A pretty nice picture from the first village we stopped in.

Thats all for now, I will be back later with more pics.
Some pictures from where I live
It has been a while since I made any uppdates to this blogg, so I will make a really quick one now just to put up some pictures from my flat in Germany.

This first picture illustrates quite well how I was living the first week in the appartment, with the "cooking plate thing" beside the sofa.

This is how it looks now. I have added some new pieces of furniture, and I also brought my musical instruments from Sweden.

This is the kitchen. I have had better kitchens in my life, but I only payed 370 euro for it.

The "dining room", if you can call the tiny alcove in the kitchen that.

My bedroom. This is where I sleep.

I might put a flower or something beside the desk, it looks kind of empty.

And finally, two pictures from my bathroom.
I have to get something to eat now, but hopefully I will return in the not-so-far future with another uppdate.
Oh, and Attila, for some reason your comments are marked as "suspicious spam", so I have to manually mark them as safe whenever I log into this blogg, in order for them to show up. Dont know why that happens, but some things in life are shrouded in mystery..
Some pictures from where I live
I still haven't heard from the kitchen-woman, and my move was planned for tomorow, so I am not quite sure what is going to happen now. I guess I will know tomorow.
In the meantime I am biding my time here, in "Pimpernellen Galerie" (the name of my temporary apartment). Here, have some pictures..
This is the kitchen and kitchen table. The living room and kitchen is one room, very small but quite cozy.

And from the living room/kitchen there are stairs leading up to a "bedroom". I am using quotations because the "bedroom" is also part of the kitchen/livingroom.

And a selfie of me, showing my long hair. I will most likey get a haircut some time next week, and get it cut really short.

Might be moving..
I got the apartment that I was "hoping to get", so I will probably move in this tuesday, if nothing out of the ordinary happens. I was meant to pick up a kitchen for the appartment today, but apparently the lady was hospitalized today for some reason, so I will just have to wait and see what happens with the kitchen.
The apartment is 55 square meters, a 2 room apartment. The bedroom is very small, but the living room feels really big.. The apartment has some really nice details, that I will post photos of later, and it is newly renovated. There are 2 entrances, which feels kind of weird, but I might put my desktop in the back hallway, and not use that hallway as an entrance.
The apartment is 55 square meters, a 2 room apartment. The bedroom is very small, but the living room feels really big.. The apartment has some really nice details, that I will post photos of later, and it is newly renovated. There are 2 entrances, which feels kind of weird, but I might put my desktop in the back hallway, and not use that hallway as an entrance.
Nothing new
Unfortunatly I have'nt posted any pictures or uppdates the last week or so, mainly because nothing of particular interest has happened.
I have moved to another place temporarily (a village called Welschneudorf), a flat with a kitchen, which is really nice. I will be going back to Sweden for a week the last weekend of may, and what happens after that is a bit uncertain. My employer is looking for a more "long term housing solution", but nothing has come up yet.
As some of you may know, I quit my nicotine habit when I left sweden (snus), and today is the one month anniversary! Never thought I would be able to actually quit, but if I have managed a whole month I should be able to quit completely and permanently. To be honest though, I still get the "urge" to have a snus ever so often, but the frequency and intensity of those moments seems to be sligthtly reduced for every day without nicotine that I prevail.
I have moved to another place temporarily (a village called Welschneudorf), a flat with a kitchen, which is really nice. I will be going back to Sweden for a week the last weekend of may, and what happens after that is a bit uncertain. My employer is looking for a more "long term housing solution", but nothing has come up yet.
As some of you may know, I quit my nicotine habit when I left sweden (snus), and today is the one month anniversary! Never thought I would be able to actually quit, but if I have managed a whole month I should be able to quit completely and permanently. To be honest though, I still get the "urge" to have a snus ever so often, but the frequency and intensity of those moments seems to be sligthtly reduced for every day without nicotine that I prevail.
Today I visited the local animal park in the neighbour village. I would'nt call the park a zoo, since most of the animals was walking freely among the visitors in a huge forested area. Some animals were fenced in, but the deers and mufflon was walking freely. Here's some pictures.
This picture really displays the scenery of the park: lots of forest and open meadows.

Two brown bears that seemed to be enjoying each others company.

A couple of cute wild piglets.

An awesome ram with 4 horns.

And finally, there was an area that was surrounded with a high fence, with electric wires running along the top of the fence. One would suspect that there were crocodiles or rabbid bears or something similar in an enclosure like that, but.. It was the rabbit area! Maybe this is the place where the murder rabbit from monty python is contained?

And a few pictures from work.. This is a mannequin where the horns have just been fitted, and I have smeared plaster of paris to smooth make the skull shape look natural. The rough edges are smoothed out later, before the stuff dries.

And a few more goat pictures..

Last one..