Some pictures from where I live
It has been a while since I made any uppdates to this blogg, so I will make a really quick one now just to put up some pictures from my flat in Germany.

This first picture illustrates quite well how I was living the first week in the appartment, with the "cooking plate thing" beside the sofa.

This is how it looks now. I have added some new pieces of furniture, and I also brought my musical instruments from Sweden.

This is the kitchen. I have had better kitchens in my life, but I only payed 370 euro for it.

The "dining room", if you can call the tiny alcove in the kitchen that.

My bedroom. This is where I sleep.

I might put a flower or something beside the desk, it looks kind of empty.

And finally, two pictures from my bathroom.
I have to get something to eat now, but hopefully I will return in the not-so-far future with another uppdate.
Oh, and Attila, for some reason your comments are marked as "suspicious spam", so I have to manually mark them as safe whenever I log into this blogg, in order for them to show up. Dont know why that happens, but some things in life are shrouded in mystery..