Today I visited the local animal park in the neighbour village. I would'nt call the park a zoo, since most of the animals was walking freely among the visitors in a huge forested area. Some animals were fenced in, but the deers and mufflon was walking freely. Here's some pictures.
This picture really displays the scenery of the park: lots of forest and open meadows.

Two brown bears that seemed to be enjoying each others company.

A couple of cute wild piglets.

An awesome ram with 4 horns.

And finally, there was an area that was surrounded with a high fence, with electric wires running along the top of the fence. One would suspect that there were crocodiles or rabbid bears or something similar in an enclosure like that, but.. It was the rabbit area! Maybe this is the place where the murder rabbit from monty python is contained?

And a few pictures from work.. This is a mannequin where the horns have just been fitted, and I have smeared plaster of paris to smooth make the skull shape look natural. The rough edges are smoothed out later, before the stuff dries.

And a few more goat pictures..

Last one..
